
Quick and Easy-1

I have been busy of late and coming home to cook a full meal and take pictures was becoming a pain. But I have realized that I have been neglecting the blog completely. So forgive me for not putting up pictures, but here are some quick recipes for simple meals-

Chicken Curry:
Ingredients : About 2 medium sized onions, diced. 2-3 cloves of garlic, diced. 2 tomatoes, diced, 1 yellow capsicum, cut into strips. 1-2 lbs. of chicken breasts (you can use thighs and legs or any other part) seasoned with salt and pepper.

In a pan (which can be set into the oven at about 400-450 C), heat up vegetable oil. Lightly brown the garlic, then add onions. After they turn translucent, add the tomatoes and the chicken (I like my chicken lightly browned and so sear them in a pan and then add to the veggie mix). Add the capsicum. Add salt and pepper to taste. I like mine a bit spicy, so I add some chilli mix that I have to season it up. Then put the pan into a pre heated oven at 400 C. The chicken will cook up in about 30 minutes. If you pierce it with a fork, the meat should be easily pierced and will mostly fall apart.
I serve this with Basmati rice seasoned with a tadka of cumin seeds and curry leaves.

I like cooking this curry becuse after 10-15 minutes of prep work, I pop it into the oven and can relax over a drink.

The second dish is Patrani Machchi.
This is a traditional Parsi dish and I love it. They make a variation of this in goa and I always try and make this whenever I get a fresh cut of salmon.
Make a paste of coriander leaves, mint, coconut grated, salt and chili. Rub a fillet of salmon with this paste. Wrap in banana leaf (I have tried it with grape leaf and in a beetle leaf, just because they were there. The grape is a good variation)or just use aluminum foil. Steam for 20 minutes. Serve with a slice of lemon. This is a good, light dinner. The paste can be made in advance and stores well in the freezer.

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