
Pizza Fest

It was going to be a chaos - I knew it. What else could one expect with 4 head strong, opinionated girls with a wicked sense of humor trying to cook in a tiny kitchen (mine) while trying to finish the whole pitcher of Sangria that K had made. I am amazed that I even have pictures to show (thanks S) of the food.
The problems started with the shopping. We were in different cities and the shopping was divided amongst all four of us. "A" insists that she was never told to get the frozen dough, and she ended up getting the pre-made Pizza base (much to the irritation of the 1/24th Italian in S).
But after a lot of hand waving and made up Italian cusses, S made the sauce -her secret recipe. A can of crushed tomatoes, 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic cloves, a tsp of chilli powder, 1 tsp. of basil leaves. Mix together with 2 Tbsp of olive oil.

Since I was outnumbered by the Veggie Police - the toppings consisted of thinly sliced onions, green pepper, red pepper, jalapenos, olives, spinach, pineapple and a choice of Feta cheese or Mozarrella. Each one of us then piled on the sauce (leave 1/2 inch from the edge) and added the toppings of our choice and baked it for 15 min in a pre-heated 400F oven.

That one is mine - heavy on the topping and low on the cheese, crisp and just yummy.

I like making the pizza from scratch (I cheat by buying the dough from a pizzeria or supermarket), I don't like the pre-made bases. But Pizza is just the perfect food to have with friends, just catching up with the pefect drink and a great movie (We watched John Cussack movies). Try making a pizza for your friday night movie party and drop a line about your prefered Pizza toppings.

6 Responses to “Pizza Fest”

  1. # Blogger Lalit Singh

    looks delicious..

  2. # Blogger Lalit Singh

    looks delicious..

  3. # Blogger Jessica

    This is the dough recipe I use and I make it on a free weekend day and place in the freezer - then later it is ready to go for a pizza.

    Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

    1 package dry yeast (or 2 tsp)
    1 1/4 cups lukewarm water
    1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
    2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 tablespoon honey
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    *I make a double batch - so that I have four dough balls at a time in the freezer waiting to be used.

    Proof yeast in a measuring cup with lukewarm water.

    In a food processor add whole wheat and all purpose flours, proofed yeast, oil mixed with honey and salt. Pulse processor to combine all ingredients. Then process until the dough forms a ball on the blade. Remove dough to a large oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes or until dough has doubled in bulk.

    Punch down dough and transfer to a floured board and knead briefly. Divide dough into 2 equal portions and roll each piece into a ball.

    Option 1 for Freezing: Wrap indivdually in plastic wrap, place in freezer safe bag and freeze till ready to use. When ready to use thaw ball of dough in fridge over night.

    Option 2 for "Ready to Use": Place the balls of dough, covered, in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight.

    Bring the dough to room temperature before proceeding.

    On a floured board roll and stretch each piece of dough into a 10-12-inch circle. Place each circle on a wooden pizza peel or pizza pan and top as desired.
    Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. and bake 10 to 12 minutes per pizza.


  4. # Blogger Sakshi

    Thanks Jess. I will move this into the main blog asap.  

  5. # Blogger ~Lord Anshul

    for me..perfect topping will be..chicken, pineapple, lots and lots of capsicum, olives and absolutly no corn.

    and yeah ofcourse, more the cheese, better it is.  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    hey Jessica I used your recipe to make pizza dough and it turned out great.Thanks for sharing. will put it on my blog soon  

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