
Chole (Spicy Chick peas)

The last gathering of the group at A's had seen Mohati cook finger licking good Chole. So after much nagging and begging and pleading, she has given up her recipe..

2 cans chick peas (garbanzo beans) [remove water and run water over them]
One big onion [Sliced, thin and long]
One can diced tomatoes or 2-3 fresh tomatoes diced
Ginger (minced) [~1-2 tablespoons]
Garlic (minced) [~1 tablespoon]
Chole masala (spice) [Available in India stores]
Jeera (Cumin seeds)
Whole pepper corns [4-5]
2 Bay leaves
Whole cloves [4-5]
Red chilli powder

Take a pot/pan and heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in it for a few minutes. Add a teaspoon of jeera to it. Then add the bay leaves, peppercorns and cloves and let them simmer for a while. When you smell the aroma of the pepper, jeera and the cloves add the onions. Let the onions cook for a while. [Do not cover the pot]. Then add the ginger and stir for a while. After a few minutes add the garlic and let it cook some more until the onions start becoming a little brown. Then add the tomatoes (along with the juice in the can). Let this cook for a long time until the gravy looses the water and becomes dry and the oil starts to separate. Then add the chole, masala according to taste (2-3 tablespoons), a pinch of turmeric and salt. Give it a quick stir and add a cup of water to it. You can add more or less depending on the consistency. Let it simmer for a while and then remove from heat and serve with poori/naan/rice. You can sprinkle fresh chopped cilantro on top before serving.

1 Responses to “Chole (Spicy Chick peas)”

  1. # Blogger Jessica

    Mmmm, I comment from experience, this recipe is great! Thanks for the post!  

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